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23 Jul 2024 3:27 PM | Anonymous

The Annual General Meeting of the Lupus Foundation of Jamaica is to be held on Wednesday July 31,2024 at 6 pm.  Nominations are invited for Board positions for the 2024/2025 administrative year.

  • Eligibility for Nomination: Persons nominated will need to be active members the LFJ (up to AGM date) and receive two or more nominations from active members of the LFJ, to be considered.  In addition, nominees will be required to confirm that they accept nomination for the position, declare no conflicts of interest, and consent to other requirements for service, to be put forward as candidates. 
  • Roles & Functions of Board Members: The Organisation Chart below illustrates the current Governance Structure including committees overseen by Directors.  A brief Description of Board positions is also provided to assist in appropriate selection of candidates.
  • General Expectations: In general, Board Members should be prepared to commit 10 hours per month to their role, to attend monthly meetings and occasional Board retreats, provide reports as required, participate in strategic planning, participate in fundraising initiatives and serve on committees, in the interest of the LFJ.
  • Submission of Nominations: The completed Nomination form may be submitted by mail, email, fax or hand-delivery and should be received by Wed July 24, 2024, 4 pm at Unit 29 Winchester Business Center,15 Hope Road, Kingston 10,  876-778-3892, or  Members are encouraged to confirm that their submitted nomination forms have been received and logged.
  • Unfilled positions: For any vacancies that remain after the AGM, the members of the elected board (2024/25), once formed, are authorized to recruit and co-opt suitable persons for Board service.  Persons not elected or not available to take on full Board service may be co-opted to serve on the Committees listed below or other special committees.

Organisation Chart

Description of Board Positions:

Development Director: LFJ Ambassador with planning and marketing skills and able work with potential donors, sponsors and supporters. Able to dedicate 10 hours per month on a regular basis.

Financial Director: Strategist who will work closely with the president by taking a proactive stance in managing the organizations finances. Requires a donation of 10 hours per month.

Services Director:  An Administrative and HR wizard who can think on his/her feet and follow through with deliverables. Able to delegate and get results.

Programmes Director: An analyst and wordsmith able to gather statistics regarding the effectiveness of our current programs as well as managing the review and updating the organizations documents.

Board Member at-large: These are very valuable board members who form sub-committees, provide advice and pitch-in wherever there is a requirement.

Youth Member: Lupus Patient or family member, age 18 – 30: Good communicator and connector who can serve on committees and contribute to Youth engagement including Education, Communication & Membership

Please click here to download Nomination Forms and detailed instructions;  NOMINATION INFORMATION AGM_2024.pdf

Unit 29, Winchester Business Center 
Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.I.

Phone/ Helpline : 876-778-3892 (Voice/Text/Whatsapp)


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