Am I at higher risk of contracting Covid 19 because I have SLE?
At this point we do not have information which indicates that Lupus patients are more likely than others to contract covid-19.
If I contract Covid 19 am I likely to have a more severe course?
Recently emerging data is now showing that there are some patients with Lupus who may have a more severe course, for example persons having a flare (lupus not under control), those on higher doses of steroids or specific medications that suppress the immune system’s response. This is in addition to the higher risk associated with co-morbid conditions such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
Is there a specific Covid 19 vaccine that is best for persons with lupus?
Not that we are aware.
We do not have studies comparing the safety or efficacy of one vaccine in persons with lupus vs the other.
Will I benefit from the vaccine?
Due to the risk of severe Covid 19 disease in patients with Lupus, we believe any measure that can mitigate the risk of infection such as a vaccine would be beneficial.
Are these vaccines safe?
All vaccines have to satisfy rigorous safety requirements before dissemination. Although we have no direct studies on the vaccines in patients with SLE we still expect the benefits of vaccination in protecting against severe covid-19 would outweigh the risks of side effects which so far appear to be mild in most persons (fever, malaise, headache) and transient.
Will my medications affect how well the vaccines work?
The efficacy of the vaccines may be reduced in individuals on some immunosuppressive medication.
What is the lupus foundation doing to advocate for us receiving the vaccine?
The Lupus Foundation of Jamaica is in fact lobbying for our Lupus warriors to receive the vaccine as a matter of priority, along with other co-morbid conditions.